Walking to work wouldn't be a big deal for a lot of people, but for me that means crossing counties and using 60 miles of shoe leather in just one week.

I'm Alexandria, Headway Nottingham's Outreach Worker.  Here's why I'll be setting my alarm clock for 5am everyday for a week in June, and why you should sponsor my epic efforts...

21st June 2018 - four down, just one to go!

Day 4 demolished.  Somehow it went better than yesterday, but my feet are most definitely the fly in the ointment.  The rest of my body seems to have adapted well with associated aches and pains here and there but I don't think anything could have prepared me for thee pain in my feet... 

Cannot wait to kick off the walking trainers on Friday.

Thanks again, for all of the sponsors you REALLY REALLY are helping to make a humungous difference & I think the world of every last one of you for it!! 🌍 😍

Four days down, one to go!

20th June 2018 - half way there!

I'd love to say I strolled through day three.  But that would be a lie.  I really found it difficult today and had to dig deep for motivation and that push to carry on.

I was late in setting off as I hadn't anticipated how long it would take me to get myself comfortable this morning; my feet are severely blistered and my hips and shoulders are sore, so this seems to have had an effect on my pace.  It took me AGES to get into any kind of swing this morning which I found incredibly frustrating. 

But I'm over the hump.  Just another 2 days to go!

Day 3 and I

19th June 2018 - Day two and counting...

Just completed day 2!

A LOT more comfortable walking today and so I could get well into the audiobook I've downloaded.  Pacing myself was a bit more simple too...

Though that's not to say that my feet aren't KILLING me and my hips seem to be taking a beating also. Mile 10 is definitely where I start to flag.

Thanks SO SO much to everyone who is behind me, all of those who have sponsored so far and my crack team of work mates who have a brew waiting for me every morning.  I'm SO lucky and you're all making it easier! 

Day two - aches and sore bits but getting into the swing of it!

18th June 2018 - Walk to Work Week Begins!

Yayay!  First day (and arguably one of the hardest) out of the way!! Just another four to go!  

Things I've learned:

  • Don't wear jeans with seams again
  • Adrenaline wears off very quickly 
  • I need a better pair of headphones 
  • Motivational music around mile 9 is a must (suggestions welcome)
  • The first cup of tea after 12 miles walking tastes AMAZING

Walk to Work Week begins!

5th June 2018 (gobsmacked update)

Oh my goodness!!  We've only gone and smashed the target!!

I'm sooooo grateful and indebted to everyone who has donated so far and sponsored me! 

It's not long now until the epic week of walking... Please, if you haven't already and are able to, donate - let's blow this out the water! 

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

5th June 2018

It has just dawned on me this morning that it is less than TWO WEEKS until my 'walk to work week' challenge.  

I have that butterfly-tummy feeling when something is super-exciting but I'm also pretty apprehensive.  

Have I done enough to prepare myself?  Will I be okay?  I hope I don't let anyone down... I hope it all goes to plan, etc etc... Eeeekk! 

In less than two weeks I

30th May 2018

Decided to climb another hill today.  Conic Hill in fact in Balhama.  It has been glorious weather for another steep climb.  Four miles in total.  And the views... as always in Scotland... spectacular! 

And now for a cheeky pint before more moving on to more walking around Loch Lomand (hey I'm only human!)

Another 4 miles under our belts BEFORE walking around Loch Lomand

29th May 2018 (part deux)

After a quick pit stop back at the cottage, we decided we couldn't resist another walk before sunset to Bracklinn Falls in Callander, which promised to be a beautiful walk... and it delivered! 

Stunning waterfall, woodland, forestry and a brook to follow all the way back on our circular 4 mile route. 

We achieved another 4 miles taking in the beautiful Bracklinn Falls

29th May 2018

Just because I'm away on holiday doesn't mean I'm not dedicated to the cause!!  Today in Bonny Scotland we made the climb up Ben A'an.  

As a 4km trip it's a short one, but my GOODNESS was it steep with lots of scrambling up rocks. 

The views from the top were beyond worth it though!

We reached the top of Ben A

14th May 2018

Walked locally this weekend with my pup along our favourite river in Blackwell.  Unfortunately my phone stopped tracking but I would estimate we covered around 5 miles... A steady one in prep to ramp it up next weekend!

30th April 2018

Clocked the milage a bit differently this weekend, in my most favourite way - on horseback... does that count?!  We were at a steady walk most of the way around and it was interesting to know my pace at walk is faster than that of a horse!  Hehe...

Please keep sponsoring me, folks (this is the link)!  I am so grateful!

I have a faster walking pace than a horse! Who knew?!

25th April 2018

Some reocurring questions I am being asked about my Walk to Work week;

Q. How many miles will you walk?

A. I'm walking 12 miles into work everyday for a week.  So 60 miles in total.

Q. Are you walking home too?

A. I'm not. The walk home would stand me at 7 hours of walking each day and a 9pm arrival home from work, so would be tricky. Perhaps that's a challenge for the future.

Q. Can I sponsor you in cash?

A. JustGiving is easy to set up but I understand not for everyone.  I would be delighted to accept cash and will update a total on my JustGiving page here.

Walk to Work week FAQs

23rd April 2018

Did another 8 mile prep walk this evening and this time I had the company of my amazing Todd and Coach Obi (the dog).

The 8 miles was tough as off road and Todd was leading the way as he knew the route from an ordnance map. Someone else leading is something I find tricky; not knowing the distance we are covering or having an idea of destination, but it felt easier than the walk to my yard at the weekend.  And I don't ache as much!

Gotta keep getting the miles in...

Another training 8 miler completed!

22nd April 2018

High-fiving myself! 8.69 miles in 2 hours 10 minutes!!

Great first walk in my 'Walk to Work' week prep and a fab way to test the water, as it were. 

I have discovered that I will need better walking shoes, I will need to take necessities; a choc bar and deodorant, I need some good music and I also ought to learn some stretches for pre and post-walk!  Happy days all round though. Challenging due to Derbyshire and its hills.  But enjoyable!

Celebrating my first epic training walk for Headway Nottingham!

20th April 2018 (evening)

I've just had a little 4.9 mile walk up Minninglow Hill and onto the Tissington Trail this evening - something steady and scenic to kick start my motivation.  These lighter nights will definitely help me to clock up the miles! My little Coach, Obi (the dog) enjoyed it too, although he makes it look easy - my excuse is, he has four legs to my two!

20th April 2018 (morning)

Well, it's payday!  The sun is shining and I'm feeling inspired.

With just eight weeks to go until my 'Walk to Work' week I have decided that this week I will start some prep.

This month's paycheck has me some walking boots on order, I have revised my route (see picture below) and I have ensured it is safe and accessible.

This evening I have a gentle walk planned with my dog and I have also discovered that the yard where my pnies are kept is approximately ten miles away on foot - so a walk there and back will make for some good practice!

My route to Headway Nottingham... on foot!

29th March 2018

Growing up with a Dad who suffers with Multiple Sclerosis and has gradually lost the use of his legs (and prior was the most active person on the planet), I have inherited the belief that if we have the ability to do things - we should always strive to. 

Working with the incredible individual at Headway Nottingham who have experience brain injury and might have all kinds of associated difficulties as a result; including with their mobility, much like my Dad; has only cemented this belief. 

I can enjoy the countryside.Alexandria, Headway Nottingham

I can go out for hours with my dog. 

I can nip to the shops.

And I can often be found parked in the furthest bay away in the supermarket without mither.

Therefore, what finer challenge than to set myself the goal to 'Walk to Work' for a week in June!!! That, for a few wouldn't be an issue - but considering I'll be crossing counties; from Derbyshire to Nottinghamshire (12 miles and 3.5 hours of working per day from 6am to 9.30am) and covering 60 miles over the week.  I'm confident that I've set myself quite the trial :)

I have a target to raise of £750 which is potentially a vast amount of money for Headway Nottingham. 

It could pay for a ten week course of 'Walking for Fitness' sessions for the clients. Affording those who may no longer be able to leave the house alone, the opportunity to take those first steps with a sense of achievement for people who are regularly told they are 'disabled'. 

If you could donate, big or small, you will be giving me that push and helping to secure what is a wonderful service.