Headway Nottingham tries to be as inclusive as possible but inevitably, there are some circumstances where attending our day centre may not be suitable.

Our centre is fully accessible for wheelchair/mobility aid users and has disabled toilets.  However, our staff cannot offer any personal care services.  If you require support with toileting, feeding or mobilising you can still come, but we would ask that you are accompanied by a carer who can support you with those tasks. It's also worthy of note that we do not have any manual handling equipment (hoists/rotundas etc) here at the Centre.

We operate an “open door” Centre.  That is not to say that anyone can gain access to our centre (anyone coming to our door has to be let in by a member of staff), but is a term that refers to our attendees being able to come and go as they wish.  If you are likely to want to leave the premises but are not deemed to be safe on your own in the community, you too would be advised to bring a carer with you to offer that 1-1 support.

If any person wanting to attend has a history of displaying behaviours that could cause harm to themselves or others, if they are subject to a DoLS order or have been deemed not to have capacity, Headway Nottingham would undertake a risk assessment of those particular circumstances before making a decision about attendance for that individual.