Fundraising ideas How could you help fund Headway Nottingham's vital work..? You don't need to be an athlete to raise money for us (although if you're feeling energetic have a look here!) you just need a passion to make life better for people affected by brain injury and a can-do attitude! Whatever piques your interest, let us know and we'll help you along the way! Collection tins Calling all pubs, restaurants and shops! Do you have a tiny space available on your countertop that could fit one of our collection tins? That tiny space could make a big difference to so many local lives. Request your tin today! Request a tin Raise money as you shop Want to help us raise more - just by shopping online? Well now you can with Give as you Live! When you shop at over 4,000 top stores including Amazon, Expedia and John Lewis via Give as you Live, they'll turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for our charity! Simply sign up, search for the retailer and start shopping. It's that simple. What a brilliant idea! Get started today! Visit Headway Nottingham's page on GiveAsYouLive Birthdays, Bar Mitzvahs, Weddings and Christmas... Do you have a special day coming up? Are you wondering how you could make your special day even more special? If you don't need another toaster or you suspect another pair of socks is heading your way this Christmas, why not dedicate your special day to helping us rebuild skills and confidence for people affected by brain injury? Create your fundraising page and share the love by letting your loved ones know that you'd like to support us. sign up Organising your own event? Events and gatherings are a lovely way to bring people together whilst supporting Headway Nottingham, and the most effective fundraising often isn't complicated or expensive. Whatever you can do, we need you to do it! Send us a message or give us a call on 0115 9679669 to tell us about your plans or for guidance on how to keep your fundraising effective and above board! We would love to hear from you and will be pleased to send you a letter of authorisation to confirm that you are fundraising in aid of Headway Nottingham, as well as a sponsorship form if appropriate. Send a message Manage Cookie Preferences