Our rehabilitation centre is friendly and welcoming. Tea and coffee are frequently flowing and conversation is buzzing.  In one room structured rehabilitation activities take place, including Therapeutic Textiles, Singing for Wellbeing, English and Maths Functional Skills, Creative Writing, Healthy Sexuality and Appropriate Behaviour workshops, accessible indoor bowling and Laughter Yoga. Our Nordic Walking group will also set off from and return to the centre. 

In another room less structured activities take place, such as individual cognitive exercises, quizzes, music appreciation and brain training games as well as ample opportunity to meet friends and share experiences.  The centre is full of laughter and friendship.  Although everyone attends as a result of brain injury and often trauma, the emphasis of our work is around supporting each person to have fun, achieve, feel positively about themselves and grow abilities.  You won't feel that you have to 'dwell' on the past if you'd rather focus on moving forward.