Headway Nottingham's rehabilitation lifeline is in jeopardy. We urgently need your support to ensure that people struggling with hidden and complex disabilities have a safe place to rebuild life skills, confidence and friendships. We have a target to raise of £53,000. If we raise these funds we are confident that we will not have to drastically reduce or end our lifeline service. Long term support after brain injury in Nottingham is scarce. 87% of the people currently supported at Headway Nottingham do not receive support from any other service and that means that without us, people with brain injuries in our community are more likely to experience isolation and loneliness, unstable financial situations and a disproportionate amount of mental ill-health and homelessness. Our role in the Nottingham community has been a significant one for 24 years and over this time we have improved the lives of hundreds of vulnerable adults with profound disabilities. Today in the UK, someone is admitted to hospital every 90 seconds with an Acquired Brain Injury and demand for our support grows year on year. By making a donation you could