Latest News Football Celebrates a Life On Sunday 12 June, Basford United FC hosted a battle of the burger shops to celebrate the life of Nathaniel Bierley and raise money for Headway Nottingham's support services. 26 year old Nathaniel passed away earlier this year, 12 days after falling victim to an unprovoked attack and resulting severe brain injury as he and his girlfriend celebrated their anniversary in Nottingham city centre. Compelled by their sense of shock and loss at his passing, Nathaniel's friends and colleagues from Five Guys and McDonalds pulled together to find positivity amidst their sadness. 'Football for Nathaniel' organiser, Jordan Dodsworth explained before the event: "I met Nathaniel through work and he was an awesome friend to so many people. Losing him so suddenly was a huge shock and unbearably sad for his many friends, as well as his loving family. We really hope that from such a sad event we can leave a legacy for those who have survived brain injury but have as a consequence experienced their lives and abilities changing beyond recognition. As Nathaniel was such an avid fundraiser himself, regularly raising money for charities by running marathons, we hope that on Sunday we’ll raise money to support the work at Headway Nottingham whilst celebrating Nathaniel’s memory." Headway Nottingham's Services Manager, Charlotte Leask said: "We were so sorry to hear about the loss of Nathaniel, particularly under such incredibly tragic circumstances. His friends and family have shown tremendous strength in their determination to support others who have been affected by brain injury in Nottingham and we are humbled and so grateful to have been invited to be a part of the day. Truly their support and hard work in loving memory of Nathaniel will make a tangible difference to the lives of our clients, and as such will leave a legacy for years to come." The game began with a one minute round of applause to mark Nathaniel's memory and share the crowd's love and respect with his family. As the whistle blew Team Maccies were the victors, winning 1:0. The event raised a phenomenal £807.31 though admissions, donations and a raffle, every penny of which will be used carefully to ensure maximum benefit for people in Nottingham who rely on Headway Nottingham's support post-brain injury. All the team at Headway Nottingham would like to extend their sincere thanks to everyone involved in making 'Football for Nathaniel' a success, including Basford United FC, Facepainting by Leann, Jordan, Johnathon and all Nathaniel's friends and family. Manage Cookie Preferences