Talent shines at 'Making Headway' book launch Living with the daily effects of brain injury doesn’t mean you can’t have a voice, as Headway Nottingham's group of talented creative writers have proved. On Saturday 11th November, Waterstones bookstore hosted the inspiring launch of ‘Making Headway - Living with Brain Injury’, a moving and honest compilation of personal stories marking the bravery and determination of people with disabilities in our community whose lives changed beyond recognition following their brain injuries. Proceeds from 'Making Headway - Living with Brain Injury' will benefit Headway Nottingham. Buy your copy here With standing room only, one by one, the talented contributors took to the stage to share their own powerful, reflective stories of courage, transition, acceptance and determination. Alix Cross, Support Worker at Headway Nottingham who also contributed to the book, said “’Making Headway’ has been a wonderful project for our guys at the centre. The support of Global Wordsmiths and funding from the Arts Council England has opened up an amazing opportunity for us to reflect on some key milestones in their lives – some incredible highs and devastating lows – all making them who they are today. So many people we support feel isolated and often lonely because of cognitive disability, so the creative process and the opportunity to use their own voices to describe what they are capable of, in seemingly insurmountable circumstances has been overwhelming." 'Making Headway' writer, John said "I’ve loved every minute of it [the project]. It’s given me the opportunity to mix with people who have become passionate about writing. We speak the same language. Like birds of a feather we flock together." Contributor, Keith Lauder, added "I’ve shared stories of times that have changed my life since my injury. I’ve loved having the chance to achieve something I’ve never done before and I’m really proud. I’ll now try anything once and I love a challenge!" Read a review of the Making Headway book launch, by Chloe Campbell, for Left Lion Creative Writing is just one of the therapeutic tools Headway Nottingham uses to support with ‘invisible disabilities’ that can affect people’s talking, thinking, understanding, planning, confidence and behaviour. All the team at Headway Nottingham hope that ‘Making Headway’ will reach throughout Nottingham and beyond to help us improve the lives of even more of the 3,500 who sustain head injuries each year in the county alone. Manage Cookie Preferences