
I suppose I chose to volunteer when I was studying psychology and wanted to get some more hands-on, practical experience so I had something to prepare me for finding a job in healthcare/social care after graduation. At the time I was a probably a bit clueless about the real world and what different services and jobs were out there. It was good to do something that wasn't uni-related and to get out of the student bubble and participate in the community a bit more.

I found it a really welcoming, friendly and supportive place to volunteer. I volunteered for quite a few different charities and other services when I was a student and Headway was definitely one of the best in terms of the experience of volunteering. It definitely helped me to build my confidence and people skills. It was really good experience for what I have gone on to do and when I first started applying for jobs it really helped to have something to talk about in interviews. All the staff were always really nice and helpful and really good at what they were doing, which was good to try and learn from and I have great memories of the people: their stories, jokes, amazing art work, lessons in how to play chess!  (Gone on to working in a NHS talking therapy service in Derbyshire).