Chronic Pain Awareness - Breaking the Stigma and Myths

Chronic pain impacts 1.5bn people around the world. It’s seen in many conditions and diseases. It's also common in brain injuries caused by strokes, tumours, and trauma. We all know how pain feels, but its toll on mental health’s often overlooked. Read more

General Election 2024: guide to being heard

Registration, postal votes, proxy votes, in-person votes, ID... Here's how to make sure YOU'RE able to vote on 4th July. Read more

10 things not to say to someone with a brain injury

After brain injury many people feel one of the biggest challenges they face is a lack of understanding from the people around them. Here’s the top ten things not to say to someone living with a brain injury according to Headway clients... Read more

One Punch Awareness Week

This year's One-Punch Awareness Week takes place from 18th to 22nd September. Read more

Guest Blog: Providing for Vulnerable or Disabled Beneficiaries

In this guest blog, Karen Salt, Associate and Solicitor with Nelsons Solicitors in Nottingham, looks at the role of Trusts within Wills in order to protect and provide for loved ones who are vulnerable or living with disabilities. Read more

I'm worried about the cost of living crisis. Are you?

Our Services Manager shares where to find the help that could be available to you Read more

As lockdown ends... Tips for people with brain injuries

As lockdown measures lift, we are beginning to see a return to ‘normality’. While many people feel excited about this, some may be feeling anxious or nervous about the changes and pressures that a return to socialising may introduce. Here's some tips for making the change. Read more

Ken Bird - Global MD to Local Trustee

From global business MD to Headway Nottingham Trustee... This Trustees Week, Ken Bird tells us what motivates him to give up his time to fulfil a voluntary governance and strategic role with Headway Nottingham's Board of Trustees. Read more