Headway Nottingham is working with Cadent to help make sure people with brain injuries have access to necessary support in the event of household utilities disruption.

It's incredibly inconvenient for everyone when their household utilities aren't available as they should be, or if they stop working all together! For those with additional support needs, this inconvenience could cause significant safety and wellbeing issues.  In response, Headway Nottingham and Headway Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are working in partnership with Cadent to make clients and the wider brain injury community aware of the support that could be available to them to keep people safe.

The Priority Services Register is a completely free service, designed to make it easier for those who need a little extra help. None of the data collected by Cadent for the Priority Services Register is used for marketing purposes.  Each energy supplier and electricity network operator maintain their own register, meaning that you can register with Cadent and receive essential benefits that will make the management of your energy supply easier. These include:

  • Providing you with alternative heating and cooking facilities should your gas be interrupted as part of our works.
  • The use of a password facility to keep you safe on your doorstep. You can read more about how Cadent strive to protect customers from bogus callers by ensuring that engineers follow a strict process and must allow you to check their credentials should you not be expecting their call.
  • For the purposes of safety, if you are unable to reach your gas emergency control valve (ECV) due to poor mobility, Cadent may be able to move this for you. To find out if you are eligible for this service, please call Cadent on 0800 0745 788 to talk with one of their team.
  • Providing translation services should there be a need for it 24/7, 365 days of the year.

The PSR is an energy industry-wide register – all participating companies are signed up to the PSR Promise.

How do I know if I'm eligible for the Priority Services Register?

Eligibility for the Priority Services Register is dependent on a variety of factors. You and others in your household can join the register if:

  • someone has a chronic or serious illness
  • someone is dependent on medical equipment including oxygen
  • someone has poor mobility, reduced sight, hearing or sense of smell and/or speech difficulties
  • someone is not able to communicate in English
  • someone is of pensionable age or has living with them children under 5 years old who may benefit from additional support in the event of an interruption to their energy supply.

How to join the Priority Services Register 

You can find a short online form to join the Register here (towards the bottom of the page). Alternatively if you'd like some support with joining you can call Cadent on freephone 0800 389 8000 or call the Headway Nottingham team on 0115 9679669 to register you over the telephone.  

More information about Headway's partnership with Cadent is available here: Headway & Cadent Collaboration Leaflet